, til mer nisje API-er som useDeferredValue
. Sørg for å prøve å sortere etter "sentiment"!Link til delAlle funksjoner
This chart recaps all of the survey's feature questions. The main bars represent a respondent's experience; and they are then further subdivided according to that respondent's sentiment. You can change the grouping to alternate between both.
Worth highlighting this year: createPortal
, while only used by 46.4% of respondents, was the fifth most loved feature. The Taint API on the other hand was both the least used and most unknown feature – which make sense since it's still experimental.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, useState
was not only the most used feature but also the most beloved with only 1.26% of negative sentiment, which goes to show that simple solutions will always have their place.
Gruppér etter:
Sorter etter:
- Brukt det: Respondents who have used an item.
- Hørt om det: Respondents who have heard about an item, but haven't used it.
- Aldri hørt om det: Respondents who have never heard about an item.
- Positiv: Respondenter som er interessert i å lære mer om en teknologi; eller er villige til å bruke den igjen.
- Nøytral: Respondenter som hadde en nøytral oppfatning av en teknologi.
- Negativ: Respondenter som ikke er interessert i å lære mer om en teknologi; eller har brukt den og hatt en negativ opplevelse.
Link til delAPI-utfordringer
Just like last year, forwardRef
and memo
were the top pain points among the most common React APIs. With React 19 now out and promising to alleviate both issues, it'll be interesting to see what this chart looks like next year.
Min valg for 2024: Zustand
Jack Herrington
Link til delHooks-utfordringer
is still the most problematic React hook, in large part due to having to manually manage dependency arrays.
Link til delNye API-utfordringer
React Server Components and overall complexity are still the top pain points when it comes to taking advantage of React's newer features.
Link til delLestelisten
25% of respondents added at items to their reading list while taking the survey in order to learn more about them later. Here is a breakdown of their picks.