Állapotmenedzsment könyvtárak
Rész megosztásaState Management Ratios Over Time
Zustand confirms its lead in terms of positivity, with only the default useState scoring higher. It's also grown in terms of usage, going from 28% to 41% over the past year!
Rész megosztásaEgyéb állapotmenedzsment könyvtárak
While TanStack Query is best known as a data loading library, it does a great job of managing the resulting state as well.
Mely más állapotmenedzsment könyvtárakat használtál már?
(szabad formátumú válasz)
We asked members of the React community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2024 Pick: Remotion
The idea of creating programmatic videos in React continues to fascinate me. Remotion is a rather discreet project, which continues to grow slowly but steadily, successfully adopted by DevRels, educators, indie makers and larger companies (notably GitHub's Unwrapped video campaign).
We asked members of the React community to share their “pick of the year”
Rész megosztásaÁllapotmenedzsment hiányosságai
State management as a whole remains unnecessarily complex, with Redux in particular taking a lot of the blame from respondents.
Milyen hiányosságokat tapasztaltál az állapotmenedzsment könyvtárak használata során?
(szabad formátumú válasz)
Rész megosztásaAjánlott források
Advanced Redux with Redux Toolkit
In this course, you'll use Redux Toolkit to simplify reducer logic and actions, use TypeScript with Redux, add tests, and use RTK Query to fetch data in real-world projects.
State Modeling in React with XState
In this course, we'll be learning to model state before we code using state machines and statecharts and then use those in our app to orchestrate complex app logic.
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